mov 1 [2.8 Mb]
Monte Acuto

mov 2 [5.5 Mb]

mov 3 [6.7 Mb]
Terrazzo Est

mov4 [1.8 Mb]
Terrazzo Ovest

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Who we are

Ca' di Bacco is a hamlet placed at the boundary between Umbria and Tuscany, among olive-trees, 475 metres above sea level.
All around, big oak trees draw the boundary with the wood that frames the property, expanded for one hectare of enclosed land. From the swimming pool you can enjoy a wonderful view that makes pleasing even the hottest summer days.

The hill where the hamlet rises, dominates the valley of the River Niccone extended from East to West up to the confluence with the Alta Valle del Tevere (Upper Tiber Valley) from North to South. The hamlet made with stones is plunged in this land of green valleys, historical centres of great interest, artistic and religious town. Moreover it's near to the fourth Italian lake by extension So this is the ideal place for a peaceful and quiet holiday, in contact with the wonderful nature of these places.

However after only two kilometres of white road you can reach in a short time the most interesting cities around. Infact the hamlet is situated midway between the Lake Trasimeno with the nearer Etruscan cities Chiusi, Cortona, Orvieto and art centers of Umbria Perugia, Assisi, Gubbio, Spello, Spoleto, Todi and Città di Castello.

The spring flowering makes Ca' di Bacco an unforgettable place, full of wonderful flowers standing out among various vegetation shades. During the summer the trees' shade give shelter from the summer's heat. In Autumn and Winter the majesty of secular oaks bathed in the still of nature makes the stay always different and interesting. From the swimming pool built upon the old rural threshing floor, you can see this charming view: the shape of Monte Acuto (920 metres above sea level) stands out the horizon line.

On its top for a few years there has been the base of an Umbrian-Etruscan sacrarium, because this zone was a limit between the two cultures. A short route leads to a hall dug in the ground where divinities were invoked. Votive statues and other little finds are today exhibited at the Umbrian Museum of Archaeology in Perugia.